Achilles heel
英 [əˌkɪliːz ˈhiːl]
美 [əˌkɪliːz ˈhiːl]
n. 致命弱点; 致命的缺陷
- 致命弱点;致命的缺陷
a weak point or fault in sb's character, which can be attacked by other people
- N-SING 阿喀琉斯的脚踵;致命弱点
Someone'sAchilles heelis the weakest point in their character or nature, where it is easiest for other people to attack or criticize them.- Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
- Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.
- Marketing and advertising could be the "Achilles Heel" in China's automotive dream.
行销与广告可能是中国汽车梦想的“要害”。 - These are IMs and emails for me, but we all have our Achilles heel.
每个人都有弱点,对我来说是即时通信工具和邮件。 - For despite the dull-as-ditchwater reputation, the sector has an Achilles heel: unlike bank accounts, money market funds are not covered by any deposit insurance, and investors can redeem their money at will.
原因在于,尽管享有呆若死水的名声,但货币市场基金业有一个阿喀琉斯之踵:与银行账户存款不同,货币市场基金没有任何存款保险为其提供担保,投资者还可随时赎回。 - Housing is the Achilles heel of the recovery and Bernanke is not about to let borrowing costs move too far against him.
房地产市场是经济复苏的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’,伯南克不会让借贷成本违背他的意愿增长太高。 - A month ago before the market convulsions that precipitated a government intervention to save Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley a top Wall Street banker pinpointed the Achilles heel of the business model of standalone investment banks.
一个月前,也就是这波促使政府出手拯救高盛(goldmansachs)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的市场动荡出现之前,一位华尔街顶级银行家准确指出了独立投行业务模式的致命弱点。 - Its failure to create the conditions for the emergence of a political class is the achilles heel of Hong Kong's system.
它未能创造条件,促成政治阶层的形成,这是香港体制的致命弱点。 - The dark's true Achilles heel is the torpedoed monetary system which is on its last legs.
黑暗势力的真实弱点是他们的货币系统。 - The paper suggests that botnets'command and control mechanism may be their Achilles heel.
该文件提出僵尸网络的指挥和控制机制可能是其致命弱点。 - Mechanized maize harvest is the Achilles heel in the completely mechanized maize production and it a major researched area in China's agricultural mechanization.
玉米收获机械化是玉米全程机械化的薄弱环节,也是目前我国农业机械化的主攻方向,各地正在积极采取措施以提高玉米机械化水平。 - Is being a woman a source of strength in politics – or an Achilles heel?